Jan 5, 2009

Fabric & Fun

I like creative things to do. I do like sewing, in moderation. I don't like being chained to my machine with a deadline or having such a big project I get bored with it. I am kind of hasty with my sewing and projects. But, I like making things for people.

My aunt made me a rag quilt when I was pregnant with James. I would sit nursing him and look at how it was constructed then I recreated one as a gift for someone else. I have made several of these quilts for people. They always turn out cute and I like them when they are done. But, I am tired of making them.

This Christmas I got the sewing bug and made Hannah's Christmas skirt along with some tutus. I have been thinking about projects to make and cruising www.etsy.com for ideas. My main creative blocks are patterns & fabric. Since home made seems to becoming more vogue, more options are appearing. The last time I was in this mood was shortly after Hannah was born. It's amazing the things that I have found since then.

Anyways, I went to Joanns today to look around at what they had. I don't think I will be returning. I bought fabric that was poorly marked when I went to pay it was $18 for 1.25 yards. Are you kidding me? I returned it before I even left the store. Then some how I ended up with 2 of the same pattern. You would think the checker would ask just to make sure the pregnant lady with the two year old really wanted to buy 2 of the exact same patterns. I will be returning to return it. Then they don't have anything cute or fun. Things that scream I made this in home-ec. I should put out a disclaimer this might just be the local Joanns I have been shopping at.

I had googled fabric stores before Hannah and I went out adventuring this morning. I found a couple that were close to the preschool. Even though I was done with fabric for the day I decided to stop at one of them. I am soo glad I did. They had cute patterns and even cuter fabric. Just the thing to get me started again. I even started setting up a sewing corner in the office. I am ready to go. I just need to finish pre-shrinking the fabric.

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