Sep 11, 2010


There was a little girl
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

There was a little girl,

Who had a little curl,

Right in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good,

She was very good indeed,

But when she was bad she was horrid.
Dear Caroline,
Tonight while I was vacuuming, this poem popped into my head.  Maybe it was because you kept wrapping the cord around your neck every time I turned around.  It could be because you like to bring the stool into our living room and climb up onto the tv stand.  Maybe it's because the chairs can't be next to the table otherwise you will climb up onto the table.  Or because today I have caught you playing in the toilet five times.  Or the fact one of the toilets is very, very clogged right now and I am worried there is more than human waste down there.  Don't forget you like to get into the garbage can and eat what you find. 
You make us laugh, scratch our heads, and cover our eyes at times.  You are our little sweet mush.  You are our big trouble maker.  We love you.  You are giving your mom and dad grey hair in our early thirties. 
You like to give hugs and pat us on our back.  You like to cock your head when you smile.  I don't want to forget a moment of you right now.  But quit being such a trouble maker. 
You are 16 months old right now and you are my little personality clone.  You run everywhere, momma appreciates a fast walker.  You are stubborn and independent, just like me.  You look just like your dad, right now.  But there is a whole lot of me in that personality.  I know you are going to be trouble and I love you for it.
Love you my little baby,

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