Sep 21, 2010

This is life

It's just about 8 in the morning.  I am starting another load of laundry that I won't get around to putting away.  Everyone around here has clean clothes they are just wrinkly. 

Kids and I are fed.  Coffee is being consumed. 

Gym is going to be attempted.  But first I have to pack a lunch for James.  He has to eat lunch before he goes to school.  School starts at 11:00.

Come home put baby down for nap.  Take shower that is needed after gym, but can't be taken while baby is awake.

Pick up James at 2:25.  Take Hannah to ballet at 3:30.  Chase Caroline around lobby and listen to James whine for 45 minutes. 

Start some kind of dinner.  Clean rooms (fight with children about cleaning rooms).  Baths and good night sweet children.

Get ready for the Senior pictures I am taking on Wednesday. 

Do it all again but a completely different schedule on Wednesday. 

3 baskets of Laundry that need to be put away. A very helpful baby wearing hand me down Jammies.  A poor dog that needs to go on a run.  This is life and it's all mine.

1 comment:

ATSmith said...

I'm trying to remind myself that there will always be a house to clean and laundry to wash and let lay around, but there will not always be these little people around to raise and grow into big, loving, respectable people. Helps me to leave the bed unmade and kitchen floors dirty, sometimes.