Oct 11, 2010

Freak Out!

So I am freaking out a bit.  I haven't had any time to look into this problem but it sits in the back of my mind freaking me out. 

My external hard drive where I keep all my pictures is not working.  I don't know if its a crash, or what. 

Who knew you needed a back up of the external hard drive.  I kind of thought it was the back up. 

I have all my pictures for my business on my computer.  Phew.  But every other picture is on the hard drive.  I know I have flikr as a pseudo back up.  However, I only put a fraction of the pictures I take on it.  Plus I started my flickr when I was pregnant with Hannah.  There are pictures on the hard drive that I need for the cook book.

The other problem is i have been getting an error message on my new camera.  Now I love that thing, more than I should, so this is breaking my heart a bit.  In the process of uploading the pictures from pizza night the other night and clearing  my card to go take senior pictures I have erased or lost all of the pictures of pizza night at grannies.  Now this wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact it was the first time all of the great grand children were together and I was the only one taking pictures of the night with a camera and not a cell phone. 

So I am going to take a couple of deep breaths and hopefully find someone who can help me.

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