Nov 7, 2010

Happy Birthday James

I can't put up a bunch of pictures of him as a baby.  But I can reflect on my baby boy.  6 years today.  I absolutely can not believe how fast time has gone.  I am so proud of this little boy.  He had a wonderful parent teacher conference.  His teacher loves him.  He is the oldest in his class and a leader by example.  He is learning to read right before my eyes.  He  is a good boy.  He would climb into his dad's pocket and stay if he could.  For the most part he is kind to his sisters.  He loves to build and create.  He is learning how to clean up his room and be helpful around the house.  He is very sensitive and doesn't like being in trouble.  I am looking forward to the years ahead, but I very much would like to pause time and keep him this age forever. 

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