Nov 28, 2009

Is it December Yet?

I did this whole "post everyday" thing with good intentions. Yet it turns out it is making me resent my blog. Not the same effect it had last year. I should have left it alone.

We keep having a recurring conversation in this house. You know the one about how I don't have any energy? Same can be said here. I don't have much energy to put into my postings.

Waaa waaa.

I try really hard each morning before I get out of bed to make the day a positive one. Some days I can make it work. Some days I can't. I bet when I sleep a whole night through again my days will become more positive.

I am picturing Donkey from "Shrek" right now signing I am all alone. I don't know why.

1 comment:

Ninny said...

bahahahaha... donkey