Aug 22, 2010

Adventures in Actions (photoshop that is)

Actions are a series of steps in photoshop that are recorded.  You just click it and it does all the work.  You can adjust them to your liking or leave them as is.  Here is my peanut at the river with several different actions applied to her picture.  Some are as is and some are adjusted.

A.  The Original SOOC (straight out of camera)

B.  This is the action as is

C.  This is the action adjusted some look at peanut's skin

D.  This is the action as is

E. This is two actions put together and the first one adjusted down

F.  This one I played with a bunch and completely changed the original purpose of the action

G.  This one used two different actions that I adjusted

Which one looks best?  My head starts spinning after playing with it too long.