Aug 20, 2010

An Interview with my children #3

Back to school next week.  Time for the interviews.  I once again did the kids separately so they wouldn't influence each other.  James is in blue and Hannah in Pink.  To see the first interview click here and to see the second interview click here

This is straight from their mouths.  Didn't change a word. 

1. What is your favorite color?
Blue and green
Pink, Purple, yellow & black  (um, what? when did yellow & black make it on the list?)

2. What is your favorite food?
chicken nuggets & hot dogs  (I was guessing aritchokes drenched in butter)
peanut butter and honey sandwich and peaches

3. What is your favorite movie?
Toy Story 3, Bolt, & the John Deere movie
Cinderella & Sleeping Beauty

4. What is your favorite TV show?
Phineas & Ferb

5. What are you favorite toys?
Legos & Cars

6. Who is your favorite stuffed animal?
Mr. Lion, Rex & Max

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Fireman & NASCAR driver

8. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Swing, play with water, swim, & fish

9.  What is your favorite book?
SkippyJon Jones

10.  What do you like to wear the most?
My corvette shirt and my shirt with the fish on it.  (the shirt says "I am off the hook" with a large mouth bass)
Dresses, Jewelry & shoes

11.  What is your favorite song?
Good Night - Black Eyed Peas
Brown Eyed Girl

12. What else do you like?
Drawing, Cutting with scissors, playing with friends
Playing in my room and hugging momma

13. What is your favorite place?
Swimming at Mimi's & Max & Campbells
Jorgias & Max & Campbells

14. What is your favorite thing to do at school?

To me the funniest thing about these interview is how easily they are influenced by what they are doing at that moment or what they ate that day or even who they saw.  If I were answering for them I would have come up with a few different answers.

1 comment:

Ninny said...

I'm so going to do this when Jorgia starts going to school! This is so fun.